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Endodontic (Root Canal) Treatment

Endodontic treatment, or root canal treatment, is performed when the dental pulp and root canal present inside the tooth become infected and inflamed. The dental pulp is the core of the tooth and houses nerves and tissues that may get infected when bacteria seep in through the dentin into the pulp chamber. The bacteria infect the pulp chamber and lead to abscess formation. Without effective treatment, you may lose your tooth to decay and infection. With the help of root canal treatment, the infected nerves and tissues are removed and replaced with a medicated filling material. Root canal treatment also helps in preserving the natural teeth and strengthening their structure.

What signs indicate that you may require a root canal treatment?

You may require a root canal treatment if you have:

  • Abscessed teeth and gums accompanied with drainage

  • Persistent pain or throbbing while chewing and biting

  • Sensitivity to hot and cold foods and beverages for no reason

  • Tenderness in gums and lymph nodes

  • Traumatic dental injuries like chips, cracks, decays, and fractures that provide a pathway to bacteria in the pulp chamber

  • Swollen gums and facial muscles

  • A pimple-like fistula on your gums

  • Discoloration of the affected tooth

  • Foul taste and smell in the mouth that simply doesn't go away

How is a root canal treatment performed?

A root canal treatment is performed in 7 steps and requires one or two visits to our Campbell dental office.

  1. Digital X-rays and Anesthesia
    Digital X-rays are used to assess the degree of tooth decay and bacterial infection. If we determine that the tooth can be saved and you are not suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, infections, or osteoporosis, we will begin your treatment. We will administer local anesthesia to numb the tooth and the surrounding gum tissues to save you from any kind of discomfort.

  2. Placement of a Gingival Dam
    A gingival dam is used to separate the tooth from the gums and to prevent any contact with saliva. Saliva is a source of bacteria and can hinder the treatment. The gingival dam enables the dentist to perform the root canal treatment in a dry environment.

  3. Drilling an Access Hole
    A hole is created in the enamel through the dentin and into the infected pulp chamber and root canal.

  4. Removal of Infected Nerves and Tissues
    The damaged and dead nerves and tissues are removed using canal files. The canal files help in successfully removing all the infected tissue from the pulp chamber and the root canal.

  5. Cleaning and Disinfecting the Root Canal
    After the damaged pulp has been removed, the canal is flooded with water and sodium hypochlorite to completely clean and disinfect it. Sodium hypochlorite creates an uninhabitable environment for germs and restrains the growth of bacteria.

  6. Filing the Root Canal
    The hollow pulp chamber in a root canal is shaped, molded, and filed to receive an inert dental filling, Gutta Percha. Gutta Percha easily bonds with the tooth and seals it completely.

  7. Crown or Bridge Placement
    A custom-made dental restoration, a crown or bridge, is used to cap the tooth to restore the tooth's structure.

Our dental team in Campbell will do everything possible to save a tooth by performing a root canal. Root canals are not as painful as most people assume and our gentle dental team will make this procedure as comfortable as possible.

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Bliss Dentistry

Tuesday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm
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